Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Please hang up and try your call again...

Do you hear voices? I do...at least I did this morning. I was sitting here drinking my morning coffee...trying to wake up after being kept awake half the night by a sick husband and suddenly I heard a woman's voice. I strained my ears to try and figure out where the voice was coming from...was it a neighbour outside? No, it was coming from inside the house. Did I leave the TV on upstairs? Who was this woman and why was she in my house talking at 6:35 a.m.? I was about to haul my butt off my comfy chair and investigate when Remy came bounding down the stairs......"call again...." the voice was louder. As Remy bolted past me I realized he had something in his mouth. "The number you have dialed...."..it was at that moment I realized the woman's voice was coming from Remington's mouth. "Remy...drop it...Remy give it to Mom...REMY." "Please hang up and try your call again...." Yes, yes I know, lady...I'm trying to hang up the phone but first I have to wrestle it from my dog who has just realized he is now holding the prize of the day in his mouth! At that moment Rufus decided to join the party...thank goodness! I can always count on Rufus to help me. "Rufus...he's got the phone...get him,".....that was all he needed to hear. Off he went in hot pursuit his brother the thief. Remy ran around the kitchen, into the living room and up the stairs with Rufus hot on his tail. I heard them running around upstairs and then stepped to the side as they thundered down the stairs. As Remy leaped off the fourth from the bottom step he stumbled slightly which gave Rufus the upper paw he needed. He tackled Remy and pulled him to the floor giving me the opportunity to pry open out little thief's mouth and retrieve the phone. I checked the phone and saw that Remy had mouth dialed a 919 number, which is a North Carolina exchange. I'm not sure who he knows there...but whomever it is, if you're reading this....Remy is grounded..no more phone for him.

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