Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Meet my puppy....Little Sir Humps-a-Lot

We've come to that stage in most male (and some female) puppy owner's lives...the dreaded hump-everything-in-sight stage. Remington has started to hump....everything. Remington humps Rufus. Remington humps his toys...yesterday he humped the table leg.  He isn't picky about where he does it...and he isn't worried about who sees him do it. He's done it on the front lawn...he's done it while we walk down the road...he's done it in Home Depot. He has no shame. Rufus isn't sure what to think of this new development but he's decided if you can't beat 'em, join ' now they take turns doing it. While most families are watching the hockey game or Dancing With The Stars, we are watching the boys do the bump and grind in the living room. We've tried telling them to stop. We've tried telling them to "sit", "down", "spin"...anything to get their minds off what they're doing. We've tried taking them outside and distracting them with toys. It works for a few minutes...and back at it they go. Yesterday we decided to just ignore it and try to carry on as if it's not happening. I discovered this was not an easy task when I found myself walking through the house dragging one leg....and Remy behind me. This morning things did seem to be sort of under control. We noticed there was no humping of each other... or inanimate objects. We thought our plan was working...until this afternoon when Remy jumped on the unsuspecting Purolator man and refused to let go. Oh well...just one more thing for the neigbours to talk about next time the cable goes out.

1 comment:

  1. You had me rolling with laughter on this post. So been there before. :D
