Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Afternoon Delight? Not in this house.

Hubby was able to catch an early flight home from Chicago the other day and surprised me by coming home mid-afternoon. So what do you suppose we two "young" lovers did with the time alone in the empty house? Time to grab a little Afternoon Delight! The boys were sound asleep on the couch so we sneaked up to the bedroom, turned on the iPod, closed the curtains and got busy. There we were in the throes of passion..hubby panting..me moaning and.... COWBUNGA!! My eyes flew open, expecting to gaze into the eyes of my beloved, instead I was looking into the eyes of Rufus who had decided to join the party. He stood over me..smiling. "Well that's great..I guess we're not going to be doing anything today," Steve muttered. "No no..it's OK...keep going," I panted. "OK but......ahhhhhhh"..Remy had decided he wanted in on the fun too and had latched into hubby's big toe. "Remy...NO...let go...drop it," Steve yelled flailing about on the bed. "Stop yelling at him...he's just playing....I'll find something to distract them," I got up and found a couple of bones to occupy the boys so we could get back to business. Once they were settled down chewing on their bones, we turned our attentions to "other things". There we were..Barry White playing on the iPod, the scent of candles filling the air...and Rufus digging at the blankets...wait how did he get back in the picture? Sensing we were about get romantic he had jumped back onto the bed. "Just ignore him...he'll go away," I whispered. We tuned back into each other and....Remy tunneled under the blankets, popped up by my head and yanked the clip out of my hair..taking a small clump of hair with him. "Owwww," I screeched, turning my head away from the source of pain. WHAM..my head bounced off Steve's chin causing him to clamp his teeth together and bite his tongue! "OK that's it," he said..."these boys need to leave. You take Rufus, I'll take Remy..they're going out into the hall." As I reached for Rufus he wriggled away from me..."Grab him," I yelled. Steve, who by the way was naked, dove for Rufus who slipped out of his grasp and jumped back onto the bed sending pillows and blankets flying. "OK then grab Remy," I said. Easier said than done. Remy dove under the bed and slithered along until he was out of reach. While under there he discovered Little Darling #3's cat, who despises him. War was declared and the chase was on. Kitty flew out from under the bed...Remy slithered out, in hot pursuit. Kitty ran towards the door but seeing that it was closed, she darted towards the dresser and jumped up onto it....Remy followed sending pictures and knick knacks flying. Not wanting to be left out of the fun, Rufus lunged after Kitty shoving his nose into her face. Kitty screeched and scratched him, forcing him to retreat. Calm settled over the bedroom for a brief moment. I stood half dressed and looked around the room at the havoc that had been wreaked. The bed looked like someone had enjoyed themselves, unfortunately it wasn't us. Steve lay bleeding from his self inflicted mouth wound, Remy stood perched on the dresser barking at the puppy in the mirror and Rufus lay on the bed licking his scratched nose while Barry sang..."Let's Get it On" from the iPod. Maybe next time, Barry...but first we'll send the boys to Grandma's.

1 comment:

  1. ROTF!!! What is it about dogs and kids when you are trying to have fun???
